Georgia Aquarium
Woo Hoo! Cloys, Anna and the kids came to visit. And man did we do something fun! We went to the Georgia Aquarium. Home to the only whale sharks in North America. (Travel Channel side note). Trevor was so excited about seeing the fishies. When we left he kept asking, "Are we going back to where the fishes are now?"
Trevor had such a hard time getting up to see the fish. It was Spring Break so the Aquarium was full of people. He finally made it though and loved it! Needless to say he was most excited about the sharks, and he told us not to worry because he was all ready to pound the sharks if he needed to for us.
Maddie liked the fish, too. She also liked watching all the people.
Posted by msfears at 5:02 PM 4 comments
Scott's New Hobby
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Scott has a great new hobby. Slot Cars! He used to have one when he was a kid and has found out that grown up kids still like to play with them. It's a cool digital track that can run multiple cars and it even lets you change lanes. There's a pit box so you can stop and refuel, and if you're not careful you can run out of gas on the track! Probably the thing that Scott has had the most fun with is creating all the detail on the track. He has landscaped it very nicely with rock wall and grass and shrubs. He has built several of the buildings on the layout with balsa wood and painted them to make them look realistic. My favorite part is racing the cars, except Scott puts me on Granny speed so I don't fly off the track as much, but it's not as much fun. (...and yes, he made the soda machines, too.)
Posted by msfears at 5:28 PM 7 comments
Catch Up
Saturday, March 21, 2009
One of my goals for March 4th {fourth} this year is to blog regularly at least once a month. So I need to do a catch up. I promise it will be quick and painless!
Baking (I ate it myself)
Happy New Year!
Scott's New Hobby!
Valentine's Day!
We made awesome goals to march fourth and accomplish. Thanks for leading us Liz!
Visit to Mom's!
Mom and Logan and Serenity
St. Patrick's Day!
Not much to report here. We didn't wear green, we didn't eat cornbeef, and we didn't swim in the green river.
Now you're all caught up and I can stay caught up!
Posted by msfears at 4:12 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Time Out for Women is great! I love going. I missed last year, but I did get to go this year. They had it in Nashville again and I got to ride up with Rebecca Smith and some friends from Georgia. They had some great speakers: Emily Watts (one of my favorites, I love funny people), Carolyn Rasmus, and lots more. Time Out is always very spiritually uplifting. There were great singers: Hillary Weeks and Kenneth Cope. It was very uplifting and very fun.
Peggy and Me at the convention center the last day.
Rebecca (right), Erica (center) and me on the last day before we left for home.
Rebecca working the will call desk with her sister Rachel.
We had lots of fun and I can't wait to go next year.
Posted by msfears at 6:18 PM 1 comments
Cherokee Pignic
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Scott watches alot of the Travel Channel. He loves it, and since he's been watching he has seen these B-B-Q Cook Off's that they have in different places and he loves B-B-Q, so he has always wanted to go to one. Well, lo and behold they had one in our town. It was a Kansas City Barbeque Society sanctioned event! I know your impressed. Well even more impressive is that this event just happened to be scheduled for Scott' s Birthday weekend. Happy Birthday Scott. AND when Chad was down. Yeah, Chad! So this is how it works...
First you come in...

And for desert there are funnel cakes and carmel apples and such, and you've had yourself one heck of a time, had a good lunch, and can strike one of your "Travel Channel To Do's" off your list.
P.S. We never did find out who won. For me it was "the first one", for Chad and Scott it was "that one in the middle."
Posted by msfears at 4:12 PM 3 comments
Frightening Fun
Monday, October 27, 2008
With Halloween fast approaching I decided we needed a good scare. Scott didn't agree, especially since his first reaction is to "strike back" when the monsters come out. I finally convinced him to go to Netherworld with our friends Dave and Kristen, and as the icing on the cake, Chad came down for a visit just in time to go with us. Netherworld, according to the Travel Channel, is one of the best haunted houses in the country. And it was pretty good. They had monsters scaring people while they waited in line and some really scarey stuff waiting for us once we got inside. They didn't allow camera's in the haunted house, but I snapped a few shots of us and some scary dudes out in the parking lot.
Posted by msfears at 4:35 PM 3 comments